The power of TOM

For some time we had been struggling with one of our business partners.  In general the relationship had been healthy; however, there had been some performance gaps… nothing urgent or a high priority… until one of their competitors called….

TOM, or Top of Mind, is one of the priorities and goals of marketing professionals.

But what is TOM? Simply described it is the brand that your clients will remember when they think about a product or service.  For example; think of social network and you will most likely think of Facebook; think of coffee shop and you may think Starbucks; or think about search engine and you may think Google… the first brands that come to your mind are in your TOM.

Why is this important? Because when clients make a purchase decision you want them to think of your product first.  Are you considering buying an action sports video camera? Any name comes to your mind? Perhaps…GoPro, and your first reaction will be to search GoPro.  Then other mechanisms jump in to facilitate the ultimate goal, the sale.

The challenge is how to reach that state and be on your client’s TOM.  Several strategies include:

1. Advertisement.  Traditional channels, printed mail, radio, TV, internet ads, social media.

2. Written communications.  Newsletters, press releases, articles, blogs, direct email or mail.

3. Promotions and campaigns.  Discount coupons, bundled offers, free shipping.

4. Direct calls.  Good old fashioned “touch-base” phone call.

5. Person-to-person contact.  What is better than a letter, email, or phone call? Visit in person, discuss opportunities, goals, and any outstanding projects.

Social media has greatly improved the ability to stay on top of your client’s mind; new channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and Twitter make it easier and more cost-effective to reach your clients.  The competition is tough though, too much and you may receive that dreaded “unsubscribe” click, too little and you might miss your objectives.

Back to our situation, the competitor clearly knew that they were not in our top of mind and periodically called to check how things were going.  Their efforts may pay off, we are now at least considering potential opportunities with them.  If we are unable to improve performance of our existing supplier that timely phone call may open a door…

As you prepare to close 2015 and consolidate your 2016 operating plan consider what actions you can take to improve your TOM metrics.   Also, take the opportunity to assess  your relationship with your existing clients, making sure that it is bulletproof and airtight.

After all, you don’t want a competitor’s call to open doors that you might not be able to close…
